Marinero News

Winter 2024-2025

Several people shared writing and brochures recently. Steve Hyman sent his Chapter 7 ROMANCE Days.

Kim Tetrault bought a "Romance Around the World Cruise Log" on Ebay which quickly sold out.

Prompted me to add the Supreme Voyage brochure prior to the 1979 World Cruise. Don Lindsay and Pat Nelson talked about gathering verbal recorded remembrances which would be easy to share here. Love these audio recordings, they really bring back memories, like this clip from the Halley's Comet May 1986 cruise.

If you have .mp3 audio clips or stories you can share, send them along. At some point I'll link all audio and written stories to names and dates in the Marineros/Guests List where there are already many links from previous submissions.

Hard to remember the Picton Castle Reunion the morning after copious amount of Vitamin R and Mrs. K's legendary Marlinspikes but can't forget that great evening nearly 20 years ago. And hard to believe it will be 28 years since I started this website. Talked recently with Mike Dodge about that evening and his challenging retrieval of the Kimberlys dog, (Lucky?). Also about the auction of Skippers estate and the rescue of many charts and important Romance memorabilia. So much history in his stories.

2026 is a signal year for Romance related anniversaries. Looking forward, besides the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, it is the 90th anniversary of the launch of the Grete, 60th anniversary of the Kimberlys purchase and 20th Anniversary of the Picton Castle reunion. Time is flying by, would be great to pull something together along with the documentary. Wonder what ports the Picton Castle might be at that year? Could there be another reunion in the offing?

Steve Kusmin posted this photo on the Romance Facebook page.
Here is a snippet of when he was aboard with his family
and ended up taking part in the filming of "The American Adventurer" TV series.

Great to move somebody from Lost Marineros to Guests and Crew after all of these years.

This from Helen Mills:

Hello Tony,Thank your all you have done to preserve the history and experiences on The Romance. I was at the Savanna Ships of the Sea Museum yesterday and it rekindled memories from the adventure of a lifetime aboard The Romance waking to the Galapagos Islands. I was inspired to see what was on the web about The Kimberleys and The Romance and found that I was among the missing Marineros. Glad to have discovered you. I would love to connect with my fellow voyagers of almost 53 years ago!
With appreciation, Helen Mills

Terri Sanders visited the Brigantine Romance Facebook page and shared that she had taken her group of Girl Scouts from Louiseville, KY on the Romance out of Tortola for a week in the Summer of 1982. Aboard were Mike and Susan Kenney, their two daughters, Terri and Dennis Sanders, Dona and Sonny Gans and other Girl Scouts. Bill Smith was along as Dive Instructor.

Summer 2024

A quick search of YouTube yielded 4 short videos. "The American Adventurer" TV series a TV show filmed aboard Romance, Brigantine Romance Trailer which is our 2011 documentary trailer, Don & Lee Gillum, 1974 aboard Brigantine Romance which is a travelogue with some good crew photos and videos and Brigantine Romance a song by Christopher Reising who is now deceased.

A flurry of emails recently about sailmaker Jim Brink, with Marineros curious about his whereabouts. Also some talk about Capt. Kimberly and his early days at Mystic, CT.
2026 is a significant year as the 80th anniversary of the launch of the Grethe, 60th anniversary of the Kimberlys purchase and the 20th Anniversary of the Picton Castle reunion, not to mention the United States of America's 250th anniversary. The Picton Castle's 2026 U.S. ports of call might provide a focus for another reunion......

Peter Damon shared an article from the May 1974 issue of Motor Boating & Sailing, Blue Seas & Squaresails by Rita Hennessy with photos by Mrs. Kimberly. Pardon the resolution of these pages from an old scanned copy of the magazine, but still readable. She was a great writer.

Steve Hyman wrote, "I have some sad news to pass along to the Marineros. On 25 July 2024, Jefferson Thomas slipped his cable. He passed peacefully in the night, possibly from COVID related heart problems. I was just chatting with him earlier in the week about updating his sea time on ROMANCE. He will be missed."

Brian Donnelly shared this, "Thank you for passing along the sad news of Jefferson's passing. He was a great guy who I have fond memories of. I remember his happy go lucky personality, his time aboard, and some ashore adventures. I last saw him around 1989 in Washington DC. I was the bosun in the Spirit of Massachusetts on a north bound passage from a winter down south. We made a stop up the Potomac River to DC and Jeff was living there. We had quite a night... Our last correspondence was back in April of this year. Very sad and way too young.

This from Keith Moskow. "A wonderful experience in 1983 for me and college friend Rob Rohn as Marineros. The third fellow in the photos is Kelly Johnson who we called the windless horse and Mate Mac Coombs. He traveled with Rob Rohn."

Keith, Kelly, Rob, Mac

Keith, Mac, Kelly

Keith, Skipper

Rob, Kelly, Keith

Looking over a drawerful of old Tees from cruises back in the days of Champaign Windjammer Cruises. If you happen to have a Romance Tee not shown here or any other special shirts from your cruising days, would be happy to include them.

Picton Castle Reunion

Michael Graff's Brigantine Romance tee shirt was lost many years ago. He shares,"However, in the fall of 1974 the Romance was in Martinique. Dan Moreland and I were ashore and we both bought brown button down shirts. On board Dan drew a beautiful rendition of the Ship on the back of his shirt. He asked me if I wanted him to do the same on mine. I'm so glad that I still have this souvenir.

Audio Clips from the Halley's Comet cruise May 1986, including Grenada Nightime, Robie telling Andy how to start the Alpha - Correction! the Yanmar Generator, Bells of Fort de France and our lumpy weather forecast.

Dan Moreland met up with Suty (Sutcliffe) who was a Marinero in 1986-1987. He did scrimshaw carving and commemorated the Haley's Comet Cruise. Curious how many other people still have his works?

Dan also shared the "Romance Under Sail: the Life and Legacy of Captain and Mrs. Arthur Kimberly and the Brigantine Romance" article. Many thanks for this excellent history!

Spring 2024

Related to the Hawaii - Long Beach leg of Steve's film, searching through my old cd files and came across a disc from Carol Vanderhoof. It had an an article written by Jean Shaub about the 71-72 Pacific Expedition published in Sailing in November 1972.

This gem from Steve Hopkins from his trip in 1972 from Hawaii to Long Beach at the end of the Grenada to Galapagos - Pitcairn - South Pacific trip that started in Nov. '71. Film starts in Long Beach at the end of the voyage in April '72 and has multiple scenes. Skipper checking the outflow of the engine cooling water, North Pacific Albatrosses in flat calm, crew member painting the kedge anchor, setting the stunsails. The watch change was "staged", with maybe Peter Damon at the wheel, with Art Rissburger taking over and Oley (Mark Shenum?) standing by. Thanks Judy for the context and dating info!

Time passing too quickly these days. Our recent update of the the Marinero, Guest and Friend's email list now includes many who are on the Brigantine Romance Facebook page. If you didn't receive the "list test" email or know anyone on the Lost Marinero page, please let me know!

April 1986 Romance Haley's Comet Cruise with Marineros Brian Donelly, Andrew Leyzack and Sutcliffe who was doing scrimshaw carvings. Windlass and Bequia Jump Up at the Sunny Caribbean bar.

Looking through my files and came across this story by Walt Haney "A Diary from the Voyage of the Brigantine Romance to the Galapagos Islands during the summer of 1966". Romance 1966

Spring 2023

Merritt Zahner was in touch. Here is what he wrote:

During the summer of 1987 I was part of a 12 person crew from CT boarding school South Kent School for 5 weeks July/August in the BVI. There was another group of South Kent students behind us August. I am sure I may be wrong but I believe Peter Wholihan organized the trip. I do know we had a chaperone of some kind. I knew nothing about sailing but along with my fellow students we learned quickly from Captain and Mrs. Kimberly. The experience was unforgettable and my love of sailing and the BVI was borne on that trip. From sneaking on Peter Island resort to take a shower (I can still feel the fresh water through my hair) to jumping off the deck into the water and swimming underneath the boat to look at the barracuda that would congregate underneath for shade. Too many stories to share but needless to say it was incredible.

I returned to the BVI in 2015 and a few times since (hurricane Irma in 2017 devastated the island as many know) including this year in March. We love it so much that we decided to get married this December in Cane Garden Bay, Tortola.

He also wondered if anyone recognizes the person facing the camera in the middle photo. Merrit is at the far right, back row of the right photo, with Mr Peters (faculty), front row, 2nd from right.

Summer 2022

Walt Haney passed away on August 31st. Here is a portion of his biography from the Nickerson Funeral Home:

Walter was effervescent, generous, kind, and a true character. He was accident prone and adventurous. Walter was born in Texas and raised in Michigan but lived most of his adult life in Massachusetts, getting degrees at Michigan State and Harvard along the way. He lived many lives, as a 13-year-old on-call bee swarm specialist for the East Lansing police, first mate on the sailing ship Brigantine Romance and International Voluntary Service volunteer.

Winter 2021

Dear Marineros,
Pardon the late announcement, somehow I missed the Press Release from Dona Giglio.

The Captain's Legacy Society of North Kingstown, RI has awarded a Marinero Fund scholarship to a 26-year-old Martha's Vineyard resident, Chandler Biggs. Originally from Southern California, Chandler came to MV as a summer gardener and has had no previous sailing experience. The scholarship has been granted to Chandler whose ambition is to embark on an 8-week live-aboard internship sailing as a trainee on the Martha's Vineyard schooner Shenandoah. Voyages began on August 8th and Chandler has already completed her first exciting week aboard the vessel.

As an intern on board Shenandoah, Chandler will gain experience sailing alongside the paid professional crew. Once the 8-week sailing season has been successfully completed the captain of the ship will award trainees a sea time letter. This is the first step toward a licensing goal should candidates wish to pursue an adventurous career as a professional mariner. In addition, if Chandler has shown enthusiasm and a desire to continue as a shipmate and crew member both FUEL and Captain's Legacy Society agree to offer a 4-week extended opportunity. The awardee will then complete the season and remain aboard as part of the down-rigging team. While down-rigging the trainee will gain many maritime technical skills and will have a good idea if pursuing a voyage at sea is their next goal.

And a followup:
Chandler Biggs successfully completed her internship as crew aboard the Schooner Shenandoah. Chandler was asked to remain as a downrigging hand where she also succeeded in being a valuable asset according to the program Director Casey Blum. As of her departure from the Shenandoah, Chandler anticipated she would indeed be looking for a berth aboard a sailing ship once again. The Captain's Legacy Society is very pleased with the experience of our first Marinero Scholarship recipient. We are deeply grateful to the Windship Way and the Marinero social media group for their efforts on behalf of the Captains Legacy Society and in honor of Captain Bert Rogers. Huzzah!
With enormous gratitude,

Dona Giglio, Director
Captains Legacy Society

Summer 2021

Captain's Legacy Society Scholarship Update.

A scholarship from the Marinero Fund has been awarded to a Martha's Vineyard resident. The scholarship has been granted to a qualified recipient whose ambition is to embark on an 8-week live-aboard internship sailing as a trainee on the Martha's Vineyard schooner Shenandoah, with the FUEL organization. As an intern aboard Shenandoah, the trainee will gain experience sailing alongside the paid professional crew. Once the 8-week sailing period has been successfully completed the captain of the ship will award the trainee a sea time letter which is the first step toward a licensing goal if the trainee desires a more rewarding experience on the open sea or the adventuress career of a professional mariner.

In addition, if the awardee has shown enthusiasm and a desire to continue as a shipmate and crew member both FUEL and Captain's Legacy Society agree to offer a 4-week extended opportunity. The awardee will then complete the season and remain on board as part of the down-rigging team. While downrigging the trainee will gain many maritime technical skills and will have a good idea if a voyage at sea is their next goal. Stay tuned for more details about the Trainee!

Dona Giglio

1975 Marinero: David Loe

"I sailed the Romance in May 1975 with a group from Concordia College, Morehead, MN. I sailed with the Kimberly's and Dan Moreland. What prompted me to write at this time is I just finished reading Fair Winds & Plenty Of It by Rigel Crockett. A book about Dan Moreland's Picton Castle. Brought back many memories of Romance. Doing searches for the Kimberlys and Romance I found this site listing and looking for Marineros. I would be honored to be added to the list. Even though my time on board was many years ago, I remember conversations with Skipper and Dan like it was yesterday. I have crossed several oceans since on 70' cutters, but nothing like my time on Romance! Cheers David Loe

Dan Moreland on the evolution of Safety aboard ROMANCE and other ships.

Peter Damon ran across an article by Capt. Anderson Chase in Wooden Boat Magazine on the principles of Bridge Resource Management, Risk Assessment, and Margins of Safety. This prompted him to ask Dan Moreland about how well Marineros were prepared to do what they did on Romance back in the day and how other ships handled safety. What follows is an in-depth look at safety aboard a variety of ships including ROMANCE.
Read the whole article......

Winter 2020-2021


Peter Wholihan shared this photo of the Kimberly's last Christmas aboard the Romance. Anchored at off Prickly Pear island at the North Sound, Virgin Gorda. "We went ashore on Prickly Pear to cut a traditional Virgin Islands' Christmas Tree: Century Plant Flower, brought it aboard. I had much more hair back then!"

I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy & Safe New Year! Over the years I collected a lot of Romance marketing material and Tshirts. Thanks to Phil Lloyd we got a new T based on the Picton Castle reunion T. All of this material was of little value sitting in drawers, so I wanted to share it with Marineros. The remaining printed materials will go to Brigantine Romance museum.....;)

13 Marineros responded to the offer. Rob Peterson, Bob Wallace '75, Adrian Loughborough '68, Michael Graff '74, Dan Humphreys '75, Mark Seski '81, Chris Allen, Owen Hardy '69, Phil Brotherton '83, Mary Roberston '75, Lisa Thomassen '87, Peter Wholihan and Blaine Kopp '85.

"The Night before Christmas"
Gloria Kimberly, 2008

T'was the night before Christmas, and far out to sea,
Romance was sailing along silently,
Her sails were set to the royal that night,
Sidelights and masthead, all burning bright,
The moon on the breast of the breaker's below,
Gave the dark sea, a luster of new fallen snow.

The stockings were hung on the fiferail with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas could find us out there,
And what to our wondering eyes appeared then,
A red painted skiff and eight shiny dolphin.
Then in a twinkling, Santa came alongside;
passed up his sea bag. "Merry Christmas," he cried.

He was dressed in red oilskins, his eyes very bright.
"I came a long way to find you tonight!"
His beard was all tangled with seaweed and salt,
And he cleared the bulwarks, in one spritely vault.
He filled all the stockings, then back to the wheel.
"Haven't steered a brigantine in a century, I feel."

Skipper gave him a course, and stepped aside,
And the old helmsman, Nicholas, glowing with pride,
"I wish I could let you try out my sleigh,
But its time I get going. It's soon Christmas day."
Santa whistled to his dolphins, as they came alongside,
And he jumped in the sleigh, for the long briney ride.

They circled Romance, then rose to the sky,
"Merry Christmas ye sailors, fair winds and good bye!"

Philip Brotherton shared some photos from 1982-1983. Skipper, Mrs. K, Mac Coombs, Angus McCamy, Don Lindsay, and myself. Had to include the traditional picture of hauling on lines!

Captains Legacy Society Update:

An update on the Captain's legacy society: That there are 3 potential students in the final applicant pipeline. One comes from the New York "Rock the Boat" program and two are currently participating in the World Ocean School's Islands program and hail from St. Croix. The selected student(s) would sail from St. Croix in March and arrive in Gloucester for shipyard period 6-8 weeks thereafter.

Summer 2020

Captains Legacy Society

A big thanks to Phil Lloyd for seed money to reprint one of the classic Romance T-shirts. We would like to help Dona Giglio in her fund-raising efforts to provide a scholarship to a 1 month "Rite of Passage" voyage. Anyone making a $100.00 donation will receive a T-shirt while supplies last. They are really nice XL Hanes Beefy Ts. Check out the great video and more information on her GoFundMe page and if you can help, please do.

The Marinero Fund

In other news, Clyde Sanadi sent an obituary for Chris Kosciuk from a recent Kalamazoo College Quarterly. He asked, "Did anyone sail with Chris Kosciuk one summer? His siblings are not sure of the year, perhaps '70 or '71." We'd like to add it to both the crew list and Marineros Lost pages. If you remember Chris, let us know.

Dan Moreland is writing an obituary for Bones for Wooden Boat & Caribbean Compass. You can see a picture of Wesley "Bones" Pilgrim (white cap) with Denis Thomas, Ashley (?) Fitzroy (?) Pilgrim and Dan Moreland aboard Picton Castle in Grenada in 2009 at the Romance FB page. He is requesting: 1: names of Bones brothers, 2. Bones/shipwright stories, 3. Bones/shipwright impact on us. Please comment if you have info...

Marinero Gene Goldman stopped by the Romance FB page. He was on Romance 69 - 70 from Beloit college. He was also with Mark from Beloit, Mark from Kalamazoo, another Mark and Jerome Garretson as well.

Spring 2020

Phil Lloyd's sister Mitsou found a treasure trove of photos and slides from the homeward bound leg of the second world cruise. He sent me this photo of Marineros Crossing the Line. Bert is next to me as the "hangman", Betsy has the mask on next to Jamie Barker, Davy Jones, Peggy Bibby Cheshire, Mark Craig, Becky Mignano, and Tom Shaffer. From Gloria's Log #12, Homeward Bound:

Leaving Recife, Romance crossed the Equator for the 6th time in this world voyage, with our first Queen Neptune -- the unsinkable Camilla Heptinstall presiding as Neptunus Regina. We savored every moment now, begrudging every mile slipping inexorably into our wake, knowing we were soon to leave our snug little shipboard world of sea and sky. One more port, Barbados; and Romance flew her traditional Homeward Bound Pennant -- a length of cloth cut from some old familiar garment worn by each of the crew, and sewn together into a proud and colorgul, if rag-tag 20 foot banner.

Saw a Marlinespike Magazine Facebook post about the Pride of Baltimore II and their plans. Captain Miles talked about Pride I and it reminded me of the K's 1986 Halley's Comet cruise. Down-island out of St. Vincent, first stop was Petit Nevis. Then on to the Tobago Cays, Palm Island and Bequia. Brian Donnelly and Andrew Leyzack were crew, joined by local Sutcliffe, who did exceptional scrimshaw carvings. An old, old friend of the Kimberly's, Eileen Jones from the Yankee days, joined 10 guests. We were anchored off Bequia with Pride I who had just arrived from Madiera Spain via Barbados. Their crew came over to the Romance for the evening. It would be a few short weeks later that the Pride was hit by a White Squall and lost with Captain Armin Elsaesser, Barry Duckworth, Vinny Lazarro and Nina Shack.

Peter Wholihan wrote: Was going through some stuff today, found this photo of Skipper in whites.
I sent this to Skipper many moons ago. Maybe this is Skipper in heaven?
Naw, they could not keep him that clean aboard the Romance ;-)
Hope everyone is safe, well, and stays that way!

Projects UnderWay & News
Winter 2010 - Winter 2019-2020

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